Open letter to all owners and all walks of the "gate of the city"
Dear owners and friends from all walks of life:
First of all, I would like to thank all the owners and people from all walks of life for their constant attention and love for our "City of the City" and for their valuable suggestions and opinions. Our company will listen carefully to the opinions of all parties, improve the deficiencies, and provide quality services to the majority of owners.

Recently, some troublemakers have tried to reach the high-value claims of their personal and small gangs, maliciously inciting through the Internet, planning demonstrations, misleading media reports and other non-legal channels, abducting the rights of many owners to protect their rights, and putting pressure on our company. In the event that it fails to achieve its purpose, it will continue to fabricate and disseminate the false statements of the City Gate project, reverse the right and wrong, and encourage the owners who do not know the truth to carry out "family troubles." This kind of malicious behavior that provokes other owners to make troubles and profit behind them not only hinders the normal operation of our company, but also seriously affects the image and reputation of our company. At present, this incident has aroused the attention and attention of the public security organs. Our company will actively face the attitude of being responsible to the majority of the owners and will never evade the issue. Under the circumstance of understanding the mood of the owners, our company actively initiated consultations to solve the problems and reached a consensus with the owners. In order to expose the bad behavior of the troublemakers, many owners and friends from all walks of life who care about and support the city know the truth and listen to them so as not to continue to be deceived and blinded.

Here, our company explains the problems raised by the owner as follows:

Response 1: Building delivery problems

The delivery time agreed in the delivery period of Article 8 of the “Commodity Sale Contract” signed by the owner and the company is before April 30, and the delivery conditions are the acceptance of the commercial house. As some units need to be rectified, the delivery period of the building is slightly extended.

In this regard, our company promised the owners to rectify within a time limit from the very beginning, and will complete them by June 30th. Most of them can be rectified at the end of May, and the letter of commitment issued at the same time will be placed in the property management office. In case of overdue delivery, our company also proposed a corresponding solution.

In fact, our company obtained the “Engineering Completion Acceptance Report” on May 8, 2013, and the “Engineering Quality Supervision Report” approved by the Dongguan Construction Bureau on May 17. According to the terms of the contract and the Interpretation of the Supreme People's Court on Several Issues Concerning the Applicable Laws for the Trial of Commercial Housing Contract Disputes, the overdue delivery date is calculated from May 1 to 16, 2013 for a total of 16 days instead of the completion registration certificate. time.

The following examples illustrate the calculation:

Example 1: Rong Apartment 2-908, construction area 48.39m2, contract price ¥321524, overdue delivery days 16 days, that is, the overdue amount is 321,524*0.0001*16=514.43 yuan.

Example 2: Yu Ting 1-1302, construction area 76.78m2, contract price ¥564600, overdue delivery days 16 days, that is, the overdue amount is 564600*0.0001*16=903.36 yuan.

Based on the above explanation, our company has promised to extend the property management fee discount for one month on the basis of the original property management fee of 3-5 months. If the owner does not accept the above plan, he may compensate the liquidated damages in accordance with the contract.

Response 2: False propaganda issues

In response to the so-called false propaganda of the troublemakers, the advertisements that the real estate was selling at the time of sale were “three rooms” and there were discrepancies between the actual ones. Our company had publicized the documents before the sale, and there was no false publicity.

Response 3: Floor thickness problem

For some owners questioning the lack of thickness of the city's door slab, it is completely unrealistic. The thinnest part of the slab of the City Gate project is designed to be 10 cm, and the error range of the national standard is +8 mm or -5 mm. If there is any doubt, the owner can hire a qualified professional company to detect it. If a major problem is detected, the developer will make compensation or check out according to the contract. If there is no problem, the safety accident and responsibility caused by the test will be caused by the owner. Responsible for the damage caused by the inspection by the owner, but we hope that the owner will pay attention to safety when testing.

Response 4: Water leakage, water seepage and empty drum phenomenon

The work of the project is carried out by our company and the owners are inspected at the same time. This kind of problem is repaired by our company. After the renovation of the owner, due to the construction quality problems caused by our company, we are responsible for compensation and repair. If the construction of the decoration unit is not good, the owner is responsible for it.

Response 5: Elevator safety issues

All the elevators used in the gates of the city have passed the safety inspection and passed the certificate. For the current slight vibration of some elevators, the elevators adopt the higher speed ladder type, and the new elevators will inevitably be in the comfort of use. It has a shortpart. Our company has urged the elevator manufacturers to debug and improve the comfort. At the same time, the construction rectification unit and the owner's decoration unit for the site strictly ordered the elevator to be used reasonably. If the owner still has doubts about the quality of the elevator, he may hire a qualified professional organization to identify it. If the identification is unqualified, the developer shall pay the appraisal fee and replace the elevator until it is qualified. If the appraisal is qualified, the owner shall pay the appraisal fee.

The elevator is a special equipment, our company will check at least once a year and replace the elevator certificate.

Response 5: Discharge pipe and drain pipe sharing problem

The drainage of sewage in the bathroom is one of the design of the drainage system, in line with the national standard design specifications, specifically: GB50015-2003 (2009). According to the “National Civil Building Engineering Design Technical Measures/Water Supply and Drainage (2009 Edition)”, the City Gate project adopts a sewage and confluence method and an additional ventilation riser drainage system. The design, construction and acceptance of the project were reviewed and stamped by the review company and relevant government departments. After the owner has checked in, if the design is defective, the company will be responsible for compensation and rectification.

Response 6: Installation of windows and security guardrails

Our company will install windows, glass and railings in all rooms in accordance with relevant national standards. If there is loose screw, the property will be rectified within 7 working days after filling out the rectification order.

It can be seen that for the quality of the city door project, all the acceptance documents have been inspected and issued by the relevant government departments, and there is no construction quality problem. In response to individual "unsuccessful communication" issues, our company will also organize experts to communicate with the owners one by one to strive for consensus and solve problems, but if individual troublemakers or other units or individuals take the opportunity to continue maliciously attacking and extorting our company. In order to cause social unrest, our company will actively assist the public security department to deal with it, and reserve the right to pursue its legal responsibility to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of our company.

We also fully believe that most of the owners are rational. We apologize for the impact of this incident on the owners. I hope that you will not believe in rumors. At the same time, I hope that the mass media will not believe in false rumors and promptly cooperate with us. Verify the cause to help restore the truth and prevent bad behavior and bad weather. We cherish every support and understanding of the majority of owners and friends from all walks of life. We sincerely hope to communicate with the owners who really want to solve the problem to reach a consensus, solve the problem, and sincerely provide quality services to the owners.

Dongguan Yongjiasheng Real Estate Development Co., Ltd.

June 2, 2013